Once upon a time, there was a woman who worked for a large organisation. She had a busy job, but could see that the organisation was changing the way it worked, and guessed that her job might not last much longer. She started to think about what might happen if she left the large organisation, and began to wonder if she could work for herself; whether there was enough work out there to make it viable.
When it became apparent that her job was indeed ceasing to exist, the large organisation helpfully provided the woman with training courses in running her own business, and funded her to polish the skills she was hoping to use. As business was born – with a website, business cards, a desk in the woman’s house, a shiny new business bank account – and some hope!
And soon the day came when she struck out on her own.
The first year was interesting. Ideas came and went, preconceived notions of what it would be like were ripped up, and much bacon was eaten (networking, honestly!) A certain amount of temping was used to fill the gaps between contracts, and a small amount of worrying was done, mostly by the woman’s husband.
The second year began much the same, but suddenly, in August, the business went up a gear, and again in November, and then again in February. Now, the business is doing well, there are contracts for regular work, repeat customers who come back with another project on a regular basis, a variety of topics such as was never in the original dream.
Even the woman’s husband has more or less stopped worrying.
The woman began to wonder what was next. Having had a very busy February and early March, planning to keep the work rolling in has taken a momentary back seat to actually doing the work. That said, two sizeable contracts for web content are in the planning stages, and a large proofreading job is coming up soon.
A scheme hatched in January will come to fruition in the next few weeks, hopefully resulting in some good potential clients, and membership of various business forums and networks has proved to be an excellent way of acquiring contacts, who turn into clients, or refer me to clients.
So, here opens the next chapter of life at HD Words. It certainly seems that the story is going to be a positive one, rather than a tragedy or a farce, and it looks like we’re heading for a Happy Ever After – but not just yet, as I’m not ready to close this story right now!
Thank you to everyone who has been part of the story of HD Words. I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. Chapter 3, coming up…
Caroline Palmer
Well done Hannah!