I admit to loving puns. It’s genetic. I can’t help it. I got it from my Dad 🙂 Let me give you an example… The classic ‘Man walked into a bar…’ joke, can be totally subverted from what you … Continued
Many small business owners struggle, with too much to do and too little time to accomplish it. Or at least, too little time to do a decent job of everything. And for most of us, we went into business to … Continued
When I began this copywriting business, I had a series of ideas about who my customers might be. I envisaged myself effectively door-knocking along the high street, talking to shops, and businesses, about writing for their websites, and creating leaflets … Continued
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a website with a lack of site views is in want of a blog. Blogs mean that fresh content is regularly appearing on your site, and Google likes that. Consistent appearance of new articles … Continued