Odd words in the English language
I’ve been thinking about odd words again. It’s a hazard of the job, and I could probably get tablets for it, I know, but there it is! What kind of odd words? Well, the sort that don’t follow the rules, … Continued
I’ve been thinking about odd words again. It’s a hazard of the job, and I could probably get tablets for it, I know, but there it is! What kind of odd words? Well, the sort that don’t follow the rules, … Continued
Following on from my blog about homographs like tear, which can be pronounced two different ways from the same spelling, today’s blog is about homophones, which sound the same from different spellings. As before, I’ve been having fun making sentences … Continued
I have been informed by my sister Steph that a word like tear, that can be pronounced in two different ways, is called a homograph, meaning written the same. I didn’t know that before – did you know that? However, … Continued
The art of saying the same thing in a variety of different ways is one I’m very familiar with. For three years I’ve been writing almost weekly newspaper items for the Musical Director of the choir I belong to, for … Continued
Words you can’t spell, from my Cornwall Business Fair word wall There was a great long list of these words, more than any other section. Here is my comprehensive list, including hints and mnemonics for how to remember some of … Continued