What should I be posting on social media?
‘OK Hannah, you’ve sold me. My business needs to be on social media, and I think I know where. I get that I have to post regularly, but I have no idea what to say!’ Ah-ha, the crux of the … Continued
‘OK Hannah, you’ve sold me. My business needs to be on social media, and I think I know where. I get that I have to post regularly, but I have no idea what to say!’ Ah-ha, the crux of the … Continued
Following on from my earlier blogs about why and where businesses need to be on social media, here’s the ‘how often’. ‘What’ will come next! If you are a business, or a charity, or are organising an event, you need … Continued
I’m going to assume you’ve read my earlier blog about why your business needs to be on social media, or are already converted to the idea… (or if not, have a read here). So, where do you need to be? … Continued
Why does my business need to be on social media? The short answer is ‘everyone else is’. Slightly simplistic, and a little sheep-like as well, but that’s the answer. But I don’t have an online shop, you say. No, neither … Continued
This is going to be a bit of a ramble through some of the unusual English words; words like disgruntled, where the opposite isn’t exactly gruntled.