Case Studies – why you and I both need them

I have been telling people for years that having case studies to showcase what you do is a good idea, and yet… and yet… there haven’t been any on my own website.

Until today!

Today, I have written a brand new Case Studies page, 6 case studies about my own clients, this blog, and a handy download explaining the basics of how to write case studies.

So why is it important?

The point of case studies is to showcase what you do, tell a story about how you did some great work for a client, and why they think you’re awesome. And once you’ve made that point, hopefully some of the people reading your case study will say to themselves ‘ah-ha! this is the person who can help me too’.

And it’s important to have a decent number of case studies, and keep them updated. Unless you provide exactly the same service, at exactly the same price, for every single one of your clients, then your potential clients might not hit on the work that you’ve done that most looks like them, if you only have a couple of case studies. Make sure you cover all your work areas, and several different price points.

If you’re not sure how this could work for you, then I can happily explain in more depth – how long have you got!!

Do you need some help making that happen?

If writing your own case studies is more than you have time for, or seems like a daunting project, then drop me a line. Aside from just having written 6 of my own, Summer 2024 has been The Summer of The Case Study, for me, with several different clients requesting this service from me.

I’ve interviewed people for a client who places high level consultants into healthcare settings, and I’ve had long conversations digging into the intricacies of their work, with Matt at Retina Digital, and Ross at Shore Asset Finance Ltd – both of whom are so recent that the case studies haven’t made it live on their sites yet!

Come back in a month or two.

Rates and timescales

My rates for case studies are the same as my blog rates:

  • 0-250 words – £30
  • 250-600 words – £60
  • 600-900 words – £90
  • 900-1200 words – £120

This includes researching as necessary, interviewing your clients if that’s applicable, time spent with you to establish what you want included, writing, and a couple of re-writes. I can look for stock images to include, if you need that, and will add things to a WordPress site, for a small additional charge.

If I have to track down clients and interview them, or if it takes a while to arrange to sit down with you, then it’s going to take longer than if we can schedule something later this week, and you have everything you need to hand. However, with a following wind, and if diaries align, I could probably create a couple of case studies for you within a week, and have a decent suite if case studies put together for you in a month or so.

Drop me a line!

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