As part of a mini commemoration marking the 5-year anniversary of HD Words, I am writing a series of 5 blogs. Here I will be looking at the 5 clients from whom I’ve learned the most, for various reasons. (Part 1 was 5 things I’ve learned.)
So, in no particular order…
Ethica Diamonds, formerly KinetIQue, who retail beautiful, ethical, engagement rings and other jewellery featuring the IQ Diamond, a man-made alternative to the mined diamond, that has no ethical or environmental cost. I have done a huge amount of research for Ethica, over the last four years, researching blogs and web content looking into the abuses around the mined diamond industry, as well as lighter pieces such as how to buy an engagement ring. Fascinating subject, that I had no idea existed before I started working for them.

Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum, the umbrella organisation for the voluntary sector in Cornwall. I have been their Communications Officer for three years, writing over a thousand news items, and slightly more noticeboard items for their website, and daily newsletter & social media posts. I have consequently learned a huge amount about various subjects that are of interest to, or are about, the voluntary sector in Cornwall, which is huge in itself. Our Members cover everything from animal rights, homelessness, child sexual exploitation, the environment, support for those leaving prison, dealing with addiction, mental health issues, ill health or disabilities, people working with children, young people, and various other disadvantaged or marginalised groups, and many, many others besides. Membership is free, if you’re in the voluntary sector…

CSA Architects, a firm of talented architects and associated professionals who specialise in creating bespoke homes, developments, adaptations and extensions, that meet the needs of their customers. I’ve enjoyed discovering about the many and various sustainable options that are possible to include in a building, as well as the hugely creative ways in which light can be made to serve the needs of the residents, and some things that I’m sure are actually outside the laws of physics as they apply to the rest of us.

Adam Dacey is the author of two books about Mindfulness and Gratitude, which I’ve edited and proofread. These fascinating concepts include taking time to appreciate, enjoy and deliberately experience every aspect of your life, and being consciously grateful for the many blessings that we experience and often take for granted. While I don’t agree with everything he writes, it is certainly beneficial to be made to slow down and read meditations around gratitude.

Aquila Consulting, which is a compliance consultancy, run by Nathan Heyes. It’s slightly scary, the number of areas in which it is necessary to be compliant, as a small business and as the owner of a website, even without any employees! Nathan and I have an arrangement whereby we have exchanged services, and I write, proofread and advise on things I know, and he returns the favour. It works well, and any areas in which I am not currently compliant are entirely my own fault.

So, five clients from whom I’ve learned a great deal. That’s not to say that my other clients have not also provided learning experiences, but these five have been exceptional.
For my next blog, I’ll be looking at five new words, or phrases that I’ve learned, or had to come to grips with, in the last five years.
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