What’s in a (virus) name?
How COVID-19 got its name, and why viruses aren’t named after places any more.
How COVID-19 got its name, and why viruses aren’t named after places any more.
In this time of national crisis and uncertainty, we appreciate that many businesses will have hunkered down and begun hibernation – and a few will be busier than ever. We wish you all the best, whichever situation you find yourself … Continued
As part of a mini commemoration marking the 5-year anniversary of HD Words, I am writing a series of 5 blogs. Here I will be looking at the 5 clients from whom I’ve learned the most, for various reasons. (Part … Continued
It’s five years since I started HD Words. Five whole years! It appears that I have managed to be one of the 50% of small businesses that are still going after 5 years, which is nice. Big thanks to all … Continued
I’m a member of several forums and groups around copywriters and content writers, and seeing the stories of the highs and lows that my online friends experience has inspired a blog about how to be a great copywriting client.