Exciting website for clients Richards
New clients Richards Design & Build – a whole website plus extensive Knowledge Hub, sharing their expertise with potential clients. Launched July 2024.
New clients Richards Design & Build – a whole website plus extensive Knowledge Hub, sharing their expertise with potential clients. Launched July 2024.
What a good copywriter can do for a small crafts business.
The art of saying the same thing in a variety of different ways is one I’m very familiar with. For three years I’ve been writing almost weekly newspaper items for the Musical Director of the choir I belong to, for … Continued
Writing for different audiences can be taxing. For many people, writing for people like yourself is what comes naturally.
My first major piece of work is now available to view, here. http://www.garrack.com/ I wrote the text for this website, for the Garrack Hotel in St Ives, Cornwall, across three weeks earlier in the year, having won the tender to … Continued